Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Beads made

I've been working on the new website and today managed to get some good pics of the beads I'm making. They're all experiments so far, but I've had a couple that are keepers.
I am about 3 hours into making beads now, self-taught. There's just enough serendipity to make it entertaining.
Visit http://www.tassano.org/crafts/
Should I put in bigger pictures? Write more about making beads? (what I've learned, my setup, etc.)
I guess that's up to me, eh?

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Clearly not a blogger

Nearly seven months have passed since the last post. I am obviously not a blogger by nature.
Sure, I keep a journal in my sketchbook, but who doesn't do that? I just am not convinced that I have enough ego to post to the cold world every thought that goes through my head.
Not that other bloggers do that. I mean, I read other blogs, don't I?
So at what point does one become a blogger? You can't pretend to be posting private thoughts, right? You must assume that eventually someone somewhere will read what you've put up. So one must hope that eventually one gathers a following, eager to read your public/private thoughts.
Maybe I just lack that hope, eh?